Do Claims of Sexual Harassment at Work Have to Go to Arbitration?

When employees experience sexual harassment in the workplace, one of the most critical first steps is knowing where to seek justice. For some, this might mean pursuing a claim through traditional court systems. For others, it could mean facing arbitration—a private legal process outside of court. But must sexual harassment claims be submitted to arbitration? […]

When You Should Talk to a Lawyer

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not only disturbing (sometimes traumatic) but against the law. Employers are legally required to provide a safe workplace and protect employees against harassing behavior, sexual or otherwise. When employers commit sexual harassment against their workers, appropriate action must be taken. Sometimes it’s the boss or manager who wants a […]

Am I Protected If I Bring a Claim for Sexual Harassment?

The decision to report workplace sexual harassment is monumental but full of anxiety-inducing circumstances. You may worry about how reporting a violation of your workplace rights might affect your professional reputation and future career prospects.  Using a private settlement agreement may allow you to assert your rights without fearing retaliation against you or your reputation. […]

Can I File a Claim of Sexual Harassment Against a Small Corporation in Florida?

Some employers ignore the need for a strong human resources department and healthy corporate culture, choosing instead to focus solely on the financial side of running a business. When an employer doesn’t consider the human aspect of a workplace, they leave their employees vulnerable to harassment and discrimination.  What Constitutes Workplace Sexual Harassment? Workplace sexual […]

What Is Considered Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

Everyone deserves to feel physically and emotionally comfortable in their workplace. In the era of #metoo, sexual harassment is no longer tolerated on any level, and many victims have come forward to claim damages based on sexual harassment in their professional lives.  If you think you may have been a victim of sexual harassment in […]

Steps for Filing a Sexual Harassment Claim

In a legal context, the term “sexual harassment” refers to any unwanted sexual conduct or advances. When it happens in the workplace, this type of behavior leads to a hostile or intimidating work environment.   Grounds for a legitimate sexual harassment claim can range in severity from offensive jokes and comments to physical assault. There are […]

What Can I Recover in a Sexual Harassment Claim?

Sexual Harassment Victorious Woman

If you were subjected to Sexual Harassment at work, you may be entitled to a settlement or award of compensatory and punitive damages if your employer is responsible for the sexual harassment. The main categories of damages in a sexual harassment case are: Back Pay Damages: “Back pay” is awarded when you have been fired […]

Is My Employer Responsible for Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is conduct in the workplace that makes sex a factor. When conduct interferes with the work environment, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, it is a civil violation under Florida and Federal law. An employer can be held liable for sexual harassment or a hostile work environment claim. If the […]

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment; or (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment  decisions affecting the […]

2022 Super Lawyers Award

In Sexual Harassment claims in Florida, your chances of maximizing compensation are better when you’re represented by a lawyer who knows how to negotiate claims with your best interest in mind. That’s how attorneys make a difference. Our clients have gotten bigger financial recoveries because we combine passion with experienced-based strategy… and that’s how Ronald […]